silver nanoparticle solution
silver nanoparticle solution

Nano Silver nanoparticle solution

Model:VTC SIL10
Concentration : 10,000 ppm
Solvent : pure water
Average particle size : 5-7 nm
Density : 1.03 g/cm^3
pH value : 8
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Aquaculture Application

VTC SIL10水溶液的成分
VTC SIL10的技術已經開發了超過15年。在特殊穩定劑的控制下,能長期穩定地分散在純水中。 VTC SIL10是功能最穩定、最有效的高品質奈米銀溶液,銀濃度高達10,000 ppm。




奈米銀可以解決抗生素只能殺死少數細菌的缺點。其特殊性能可在短時間內殺死多達 650 種細菌和病毒。


透過使用VTC SIL10,我們可以讓魚、蝦和任何生物體從一開始就處於沒有細菌和病毒的環境中。魚蝦的平均存活率將提高20%。魚蝦在運送過程中添加VTC SIL10可防止感染,存活率提高50%。



:每噸水添加0.17克VTC SIL10(換水時每噸水添加0.17克VTC SIL10)

每噸水添加0.07克VTC SIL10(如果不換水,每兩週添加VTC SIL10)

每噸水添加0.17克VTC SIL10(每週添加VTC SIL10)
每噸飼料添加333克VTC SIL10,每餐持續投餵,直至疫情穩定。然後再改回一般預防濃度。

每噸水添加0.17克VTC SIL10。每次運送期間一次。



Livestock Application


The VTC SIL10 is the most effective product that can replace the pesticides at present. The silver has the unique catalytic effect on the metabolism of single-cell pathogens, such as digestion and respiration. It also can cause the pathogens to lose their live, thus to achieve to the purpose of pathogenic bacteria inhibition. And because of the unique antibacterial mechanism of silver, it can also inhibit the drug-resistant bacteria.
Suitable: Pig, Cows, Sheep, Chicken, Ducks, Goose and so on. Those can be treated with symptoms caused by bacteria or viruses, such as sputum, infection, flu, swine fever and more.
You do not need to buy a bunch of drugs, the VTC SIL10 is the single specification that can replace all kinds of disinfectants and antibiotics.

Chicken, Ducks, Goose- General Prevention Usage
Mix 167 g VTC SIL10 evenly with 1000 kg drinking water.
Feeding the prepared VTC SIL10 water to the poultry.
Frequency of use: Feeding once a week.
Can also be added to a separate drinking water supply system, adding 167 g of VTC SIL10 per ton of water.
Chicken, Ducks, Goose- Epidemic Situation Usage
Mix 667 g VTC SIL10  evenly with 1000 kg drinking water.
Feeding the prepared VTC SIL10 water to the livestock(use the feeder).
Frequency of use: Feeding in each meal until the epidemic is stable. Then changed back to the general preventive concentration.
Can also be added to a separate drinking water supply system, adding 667 g of VTC SIL10 per ton of water.

VTC SIL10 can effectively control pathogens


Cultured species


Vibrio alginolyticus

Penaeus vannamei

1. The liver is red and yellow, the intestines are red, the intestines are empty, and the stomach is empty.

2. Intestinal empty, stomach empty, hepatopancreatic necrosis

Vibrio cholerae

Vibrio harveyi

Vibrio anguillarum

Vibrio mimicus

Vibrio parahaemolyticus

Vibrio vulnificus type I, type II

Aeromonas hydrophila

Fish, Trionychidae

1. Freshwater fish bacterial sepsis, congestion around the eyelids

2. Aeromonas hydrophila is a serious pathogen of Chinese softshell turtle

Aeromonas salmonicida

Aeromonas sobria

Streptococcus agalactiae


1. Luo Fei streptococcosis is serious, the incidence is more than 95%, common in Tilapiine cichlid.

2. Sick fish are usually left alone at the pond, and are rotated by C-type or comma-like rotation (neuropathic)

Streptococcus equine (lionfish)

Streptococcus unspecified species (sweet fish, red dot frog, tilapia)


Fish (Catfish)

E. faecalis sometimes infects the fish brain, causing the head of the diseased fish to sneak around, or erect in the water under the head and tail; and once infected, it will not feed or the food will drop sharply. In the early stage of infection, there are necrosis of 3~5mm in diameter on both sides of the pectoral fin of the sick fish, which gradually expands.


Squid, braid, chain, fin, etc. Carps

Freshwater fish fulminant septicemia: sputum hemorrhage, body surface ulcers, dorsal fin wear, some fractures, abdominal enlargement, anal redness, pale silk, sinusoids and more ringworms

Pseudomonas putida

Herring, grass carp, carp, group cricket, etc.

Infected lesions are formed in the subcutaneous muscles. As the bacteria in the lesions multiply, the disease develops, and the skin muscles become inflamed and purulent, forming abscesses. The abscesses are filled with pus, blood and a lot of bacteria. The affected part softens and bulges outward.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Salmon etc.

Causes necrosis and ulceration of its epidermal tissue


Fish, shrimp, crab, etc.

1. It is very easy to occur and spread rapidly, causing the death of a large number of fish eggs to cause the failure of artificial breeding of four major fishes, crickets, crickets and crickets.

2. Soy mildew, Saprolegnia, Achlya, fungus, aphanomyces, etc.







Hawke's fish


Fish, shrimp, crab, etc.

Grass carp virus disease; Salmon virus disease; prion disease; rainbow trout virus disease; channel catfish virus; Vannamei;

Iridescent virus




Double RNA virus

Other Applications
Application 1:
Water Quality Enhancement
Maintaining pristine water quality is vital for the health and well-being of aquatic species in aquaculture systems.
Our Silver Nanoparticle Solution can play a crucial role in water quality enhancement. The nanoparticles possess powerful antimicrobial properties that target and neutralize harmful bacteria, viruses, and algae in the water.
By reducing pathogen load and controlling algae blooms, our solution promotes a healthier aquatic environment, which leads to better growth rates, increased survival rates, and improved overall aquaculture productivity.
Application 2:
Disease Prevention and Health Management
Aquaculture operations often face challenges related to disease outbreaks that can lead to significant economic losses.
Our Silver Nanoparticle Solution offers an effective means of disease prevention and health management for fish and shrimp.
By incorporating our solution into the rearing systems, you can boost the immune responses of the aquatic species, making them more resilient to common pathogens.
As a result, the occurrence and severity of diseases are reduced, ensuring a more sustainable and profitable aquaculture enterprise.
Application 3:
Biofilm Control
Biofilm formation on aquaculture equipment and surfaces can hinder efficient water flow and provide a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.
Our Silver Nanoparticle Solution helps in controlling biofilm buildup, reducing the risk of equipment corrosion and blockages.
This not only enhances the overall hygiene of the aquaculture system but also optimizes water circulation, leading to improved oxygenation and nutrient distribution for healthier aquatic life.
Application 4:
Eco-Friendly Alternative to Chemical Treatments
Traditional aquaculture practices may rely on chemical treatments to manage water quality and disease outbreaks.
However, these chemicals can have adverse effects on the environment and the aquatic ecosystem.
Our Silver Nanoparticle Solution offers an eco-friendly alternative to conventional chemical treatments.
Being biodegradable and non-toxic to aquatic species when used at recommended levels, our solution ensures a more sustainable approach to aquaculture without compromising water quality or animal welfare.